Friday, 8 October 2010

Writing to Argue...Advice

A common question in relation to writing to argue is, "Sir, can we make stuff up?"  The answer is a difficult one.  Here is some expert advice from an English website...

  • The evidence needs to be convincing but, in an exam situation at least, it does not have to be factual, i.e. you can 'make it up'; you are allowed to make up such things as expert opinions and statistical evidence to support your argument.

  • Importantly, whatever evidence you do use, it must be well considered and reasonable.

  • Task

    The American government has been hiding the fact that we are regularly visited by aliens for decades.  Not only do the Americans have an alien spacecraft this is where they took the technology for the internet from.  Alien species are not only in communication with us but they are living among us.

    a) Make up a plausible expert opinion to back this up.  Provide a quotation and details of who it is from.

    b)  Make up some believeable statistical evidence to support this claim.  Make a note of where the data has come from.

    Remember...well considered and reasonable!


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    2. Are we alone in the universe? Are they among us? These are substantial queries that have resurfaced countless times in our minds; and have given birth of the rise of suspicion and fear in our daily routines.

      How were we able to create the internet? A stream of messages that at times seem to take lives of their own, refusing to be annihilated (living on as data until the next individual is able to reanimate them) this may almost sound like a subtle, carefully though out invasion from outer space, doesn't it?

      Well... yes and no!

      Alien do exist, just as the possibilities of us being alone is statistically against us at +1 billion to 1 (as there are billions of solar systems unexplored which could have generated perfect atmospherically conditions for the sustenance of planetary life), our interplanetary knowledge is next to nothing, let alone our interstellar and galactic knowledge of the Milky-Way! Contrary to what we may believe, outside our system, we give out connotations of ants; insects too unintelligent to even have control over their weather system! Then how were we able to control light and heat and turn that to informational energy, yet we aren't able to preserve our planet! Simple, we borrowed the technology from our little green friends (though most of them are actually grey! “since 1947, aliens have poured from the abyss that lies between ourselves and the world” Please read "Aliens why they are here" by Bryan Appleyard for more details on the subject.)

      They live among us, as a co-existence pact made by NATO officials in its early formation... they supply us with technological advancements (to save the human race from destruction); and we allow them to gather information on our specie by coexisting secretly within our society (as the human public can get into a wide spread panic too easily!) Statistics show that since their first contact in the 1940s, their has been a 59% increase in reported "Freak" accidents (where surprisingly, no one had been hurt, they were just left with no recollection of the event). If ever you were to hack into the Pentagon's main server, the much less secret files on alien existence (though still enough of an evidence) would be designated A4 ISCL (Act 4 of the Inter Solar Coexistence Laws)...

      I am but an informant; as such, I refuse to be held responsible for any incident derived from publication of this document (they are here in peace and have intentions to stay that way); if you feel the need for further inquiries, do so at your own peril...

    3. Aliens; do they exist? Of course they do and they are closer than you would like to think...

      First of all, let's take into consideration alien life; look out into the dark void of space, and every small light glinting in that dark canvas is another sun; there are an incredible amount of them, uncountable and as such, the notion that we are the only life in the universe or the galaxy or whatever body of space you want to say, is complete rubbish; even NASA scientists acknowledge that the largest of Saturn's moons, Titan, has 'Atmospheric anomalies consistent with the presence of life forms using liquid methane' as a medium, as well as NASA claiming bacterial life could be sustained on the satellite.

      So life is possible, it's only inevitable there is a planet parallel to earth out there and the denizens of such a planet; they are among us. Indeed, the American government have been hiding the fact for years now they are even in possession of an alien spacecraft, kept in the one and only 'Area 51'. Indeed, one of the scientists who helped in the reverse engineering effort of the ship, Bob Lazar, even claims "I was shown the same craft nine times, generally studying the exterior of the saucer, but was contracted to work on the interior; they were particularly interested in the transmission systems of the craft". This testimony also leads onto the next point, the internet, which was based from the designs and systems of this ship; how else could such a complex system and mainframe of linked computers and technology exist? simple really; we had something to base it off; the SETI institute even claims that 15% of signals and other transmissions from the internet match the famous 'Wow!' signal it had recorded from outer space; It may seem like a small number, but considering the vast size of space, it's hard to ignore.

      Finally, we come to another important point; aliens living among the human race. This is far from impossible, in fact they blend in easily! Generally they tend to observe during night hours, making use of parasitic bacteria which produce fields of electromagnetism; this diverts light and keeps them hidden, as told by another whistleblower, an engineer and scientist known as Mr. Craig, who claimed to work with such bacteria during a science project in the very same area 51; he also claimed that some humanoid aliens simply made use of cosmetic surgery in order to keep themselves looking 'similar' to humans.

    4. In recent news, there have been a series of astonishing revelations as it becomes apparent that not only have extra-terrestrial lifeforms visited the earth, but they have been living here. Examples of these beings have been habilitated by the US government and kept secret for over fifteen years.

      Not a lot is clear on the extent of which these aliens have been researched however Dr. Richard Armitage, a senior research manager at Area 51, has agreed to release some information that has been kept in secrecy for many years. He says "The first contact with this extra-terrestrial visitors was in a UFO incident in 1994, although I am not at liberty to give the details of this event, we managed to bring some of the lifeforms and technology we found to testing laboratories and have learnt much from the study of certain artefacts, some of which has been used to create more efficient wiring and circuitry, as well as wireless advancements which have made such things as the internet more easily applied".

      This is indeed an extremely intriguing issue, and it has been revealed that when asked by the Trading Research Standards Board, 67% of electronics businesses said that they would be interested in investing money in research into alien technology.

    5. recent studies have indicated that aliens may walk among us a fine example of this would be the cropcircles;how could they have gotten there? there is no way a tractor or a crop duster has the maneuverability to perform these delicate and magnificent pieces of artwork. Out of the 100 expert scientists we asked over 83% of them believe that aliens themselves walk among us to observe out every move possibly just to gather further intelligence on our society's or for a much more sinister reason who knows?.

      What i do know is that the internet came from alien technology as the americans have an alien spacecraft which is believed to have landed in roswell new mexico years ago and was kept for private reaserch in area 51 shortly after man found out the amazing discovery of computers how did this happen? well i for one believe our own government is against us knowing the truth but dont just take my word for it over 48% of americans believe this but the important this is the answers are out there and we just may find them some day.

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    7. "Space... the final frontier" (cpt. Kirk)
      For countless centuries strange beings have been visiting our small "insignificant" planet,
      An example of this would be the ancient Egyptians, the strange carvings on some of their lesser known works.
      How were the ancient Egyptians able to create the indomitable pyramids that symbolise knowledge?
      How where these primitives able to create these structures that tower 487 ft. high?

      The following video is absolute proof that aliens exist;

      This evidence is from reliable sources at the O’Hare Airport in Chicago.

    8. What is an Alien? To most people it is a small green man that come down to Earth in spaceships.

      Now I ask yout this, if we are searching for planets similar to Earth when why not life forms that look similar too us. My self an the other officers based on the Rosewell case were under orders too keep this a secret. However I have decided to release the fact on what happened.

      We where under oreders to keep it a secret based on the president view on the public handeling this information. So a decision was made; since these Aliens look like us and act similar too regular human being we gave them identiets in society. With the message you are free to do as you please, decendents of the orignal three have gone on to do great things for humanity(I am not allowed to mention names)

      So know the truth is know and humanity can grow as a species by knowing we are not alone and that we have never been alone.

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    10. The apparent existence of extra-terrestrial life forms has been a complex and ongoing debate. The issue has had much interest from the press and the science community. It has also helped start religions (scientology) and alien life forms have been the basis for some of the most famous films of all time.
      The existence of Aliens harks back to the days of The Roswell UFO Incdent,when a 'flying disk' crashed in New Mexico in the 1940s, where the US Government (apparently) produced the largest cover-up in history! But does this means that they are real?
      Every year over 2,000 sightings of UFO's are reported and filed in the USA alone. There are also more than 4,000 crops circles formed each year. So if there are these many sightings and reports, should we take them seriously? Some people believe that aliens are living amongst us, using their advanced technologies to be able to adapt to the climate and atmosphere of Earth; and to also look like and communicate humans. We have been known to be a short sighted, so could your neighbours be aliens...and you have yet to notice. In a survey performed by NASA, 34% of the US population, believe there are Aliens, whilst compared to the 16%, back here in Britain according to The Independent newspaper. Even Stephen Hawking (Famous physicist) believes in Aliens!
      So there are a minority who believe that are aliens out there, the problem is trying to convince the cynics and prove the existence of these life forms. They are out there, you just need to realise it.

      (And if you don't believe me, watch Men In Black!)

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    12. The internet draws in over one billion users worldwide. It is undoubtedly the most powerful resource in the world to this date. Some may say it's 'out of this world' with the simple meaning it is a really amazing thing. However, what if it were literally out of this world?

      That is exactly the view of leading extra-terrestrial researcher Simon Davis. Davis has researched the possibility of life outside of Earth for almost ten years at Harvard University (Massachusetts, US) and has collected some rather compelling information; Information that suggests the technology used to create the internet was not quite home made.

      In a recent interview Davis said "It is sheer arrogance to believe that we, the human race are the only life form in a place the size of the universe." Later stating "In the 1950's there was a discovery at a meteor site that inspired the technology used in the modern day internet." This claim coincides well with fact that several networks were set up in the 50's that later merged to create the internet as we know it.

      To believe that the place this very article is published was created by an unearthly entity is admittedly a bold claim. Yet, there is evidence and it is solid. Davis along with a whole network of researchers have reason to believe that the world leaders are very aware of alien life themselves, yet refuse to disclose details of such. This would answer the question in everybody's head, 'Why don't we know anything about this?'

      It is also interesting to note that in a recent survey by the New York Times that 46% of the city's population believe there is life outside of our own world. It isn't just the opinion of scientists, it is the opinion of many normal citizens such as yourselves. So, what do you believe?

    13. Its arguably debateable to say that 'aliens DO exist' but is this the case when fact and evidence is provided?

      Scientists have begun to investigate these declarations...
      Many have said that"aliens live among us" and that "they exist and always have existed"
      In a recent poll; over 89% of people in the UK believe and agree with these claims.

      Dr White(scientist at liverpool jhon moores) said in a recent interview that"Theres a 50/50 chance that aliens do exist,evidence that weve recieved seem realistic but only a small amount of them are actually true"

      Whats your opinion?

    14. Space... we all look up at the stars sometime and wonder, what are the secrets of the universe? Is there such thing as extraterrestrial life? Who knows they could be looking up as well and thinking the very same; or are we just the lucky lottery ticket. Don't wonder no more because we have had the answers all along, hidden in secret by the American government for more than a half of a century.

      America land of the free, Area-51(Nevada base), trespassers shot on site. You think its an average airbase? Theory's and conspiracy's has led to thousands of people to believe that is where the American government keep priceless information and even a spaceship from the extraterrestrial's. Technology today is becoming so advanced and "alien like" it can only lead to a possibility that maybe the technology we use such as the internet isn't a discovery but a gift from our green friends.

      There is now proof everywhere, the internet has numerous video clips of UFO's (unidentified flying object) although the majority are fakes, interviews of civilians make our green friends seem fact from fictional. In 1997 an American talk show received a frantic call from a man claiming to have worked in Area-51, the recording almost sounds too realistic and is eventually cut off air after a desperate disgusted discussion of the American government.(here's the link to the clip, caution it may disturb some viewers: Was it the government who pulled the plug? the host seemed to carry on the discussion.

      Could aliens be living among us? there are nearly 7 billion humans on our earth today it wouldn't be hard for a few aliens to conga-grate with the population after all if they have the technology to travel light-years to our planet surely they can have some sort of shape shifting technology or a cloaking device, a Youtube subscriber reveals a video clip showing a mysterious object running through his garden late hours in the night.

      I don't think the government will ever admit the fact that aliens exist unless they came out and shook some ones hand. (although there is proof out there)Until that day comes we remain looking at the stars at night whether your on your back on a camping trip gazing above or just having a cup of tea before bed; our question remains incorrectly answered by the government.

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